“If we include measures of people’s happiness in the main macroeconomic indicators, economies will be better off,” claims Dijana Kobas Dešković, IEDC’s GMP Alumna who dared to be different and was brave enough to bring gender equality and corporate family responsibility issues to corporate agenda.
Throughout her corporate and later on entrepreneurial career she had firsthand experience with gender inequalities in the workplace and market in general. After the birth of her second child, she lost a big client and was faced with severe consequences for her business. Such an experience brought her to the topic of gender equality in the workplace, motherhood and career. Her own story made her realize the importance of corporate cultures for women in business. Starting from that point she developed the MAMFORCE METHOD©, an innovative assessment and business certification method integrating corporate family responsibility and gender equality. It took her five years to bear the fruits of her work.
MAMFORCE COMPANY© is now a recognized sign of quality which confirms an employer’s competences in implementing the so-called corporate family responsibility and ensuring gender equality. Through her innovative approach and professional excellence, Dijana became a recognised expert in the field and respected influencer.
In 2016, IEDC awarded her with Generali AA award for demonstrating and representing the highest ideals that personify outstanding individual career achievements, leadership, innovation, service to the community, as well as the contribution to the school’s development.
By Tonja Blatnik, Head of Corporate Communications, IEDC
Cijeli intervju s Dijanom Kobas Dešković pročitajte ovdje:IEDC alumni Success Story -Dijana Kobas Deškovic